Booking tatkal tickets on IRCTC is always a headache for users who do not book frequently. There are many issues that can make your online e-ticketing experience worse especially when you are booking tatkal ticket at peak time.
One of the errors that people receive is multiple login error that causes problem when you click on book ticket. So the first important thing that you should consider is whenever you login to IRCTC do log out by clicking on the Sign Out Button. You can click on the given sign out link to log out.
This will ensure that when you login next time you do not get error. Also, if you have to book a very urgent and important tatkal ticket, consider cleaning your cache and cookies, so that you can book error free tickets.
Learn to delete browser cookies and cache from video below:
This will ensure that when you login next time you do not get error. Also, if you have to book a very urgent and important tatkal ticket, consider cleaning your cache and cookies, so that you can book error free tickets.
Learn to delete browser cookies and cache from video below:
The second important thing is that if you are new user (not necessarily) a verification call may be made for the bookings done between 10:00 am to 10:15 am to verify User ID, PNR, passenger mobile number and passenger details. Make sure you do not give any misleading information or it may lead to cancellation of e-ticket and an appropriate legal action.
So Why All These Things Important?
All these things are important because IRCTC have started taking steps against people who use normal IDs for commercial purpose, like agents use two three internet connections and data of their relatives to book tickets for other people. On these tatkal or normal e-tickets they charge hefty amount. Mixing with IDs and logins IRCTC thinks that you are using multiple accounts to book tickets and that led to the errors like Multiple log in or simply you can be redirected to the homepage.
If you are genuine user, it is necessary that you book from your account only and do nt book tickets for yourself with different accounts.
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