In case your train got cancelled due to heavy fog or for any other reason. You should follow some steps to get through the cancellation procedure of your tatkal or normal e-ticket.
As these days (winters) trains got cancelled mainly due to fog so I have decided to show you guys how to cancel your ticket.
First step is to ensure that your train got cancelled or nt and you are not confusing with any other train, you can do this just by checking the current status of your ticket on IRCTC or just by checking your PNR status online.
If the train is marked as “CANCELLED” in PRS full refund is permissible in case the ticket is cancelled within 72 hours of the scheduled departure of the train from the source station. Customer can himself make such cancellations of e-tickets through internet.
If such cases are not cancelled within 72 hours of scheduled departure of the train, customers should file TDR with option ‘Train cancelled’ to process the refund through TDR.
Hope you got the method, if you any problem cancelling your ticket just ask us below in our comment box and we will try our best to reply you as soon as possible. Do follow us on Google Plus and like us Facebook for instant news and many tips of IRCTC ticket booking and services.