the track routes of Delhi Mumbai doing trial runs. The interesting this is this that if the result came good, the railway will be considering to introduce this train for this as well as many other routes all over India as per a senior Railway Ministry official.
There is a much greater reason that is why Talgo is offering free of cost test runs of their lighter and faster runs. They know that Indian Railway is one of the largest railway of the world and this can benefit them in an exceptional high manner.
According to the railway official Talgo will conduct the time validation trial on Delhi-Mumbai corridor soon.
“We will be issuing the permission letter to Talgo after getting the Railway Board’s approval for importing the rake to India. They (Talgo) have offered to do the trial with no cost to railways,” said the official.
The parts of the train will be imported in India and then it will assembled within India to do the test run.
Also as per the Official only minor changes may required to run the train and no big changes or material requred.
The process of test run will start as soon as railway ministry gets the approval.
“A lot depends on this Delhi Mumbai test run and, if the test run achieved successful, it may be considered for some more routes.
These trains are already running in several places in Asia and the US.
It may not help masses, but then Democracy also did not help masses. There is no harm if the high speed operation will be safe. Let us hope it will put India forward on the path of MODERNIZATION.