Regarding IRCTC user id activation, email verified but not getting OTP to my mobile (international)

Questions and AnswersCategory: Indian RailwaysRegarding IRCTC user id activation, email verified but not getting OTP to my mobile (international)
Mohammad Ariful Hoque asked 7 years ago

Date: 29.05.2018
Place: Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Honorable Mrs. Sushma Swaraj
Honorable External Affairs Minister
Ministry of External Affairs,
Government of India
Subject: Application to solve my problem to active IRCTC account.
Dear Honorable Minister,
This is for your kind information that I am Mohammad Ariful Hoque from Dhaka, Bangladesh had created an IRCTC account on 29.04.2018. I had paid the international fee for that purpose. My email account was verified by the IRCTC but my mobile number couldn’t verify due to no OTP I had received since then.
Next day on 30.04.2018 I emailed to IRCTC Care ( regarding my OTP that my mobile not receiving OTP to activate the account but regret is that till today 29.06.2018 I have not receive any solution from IRCTC Care though I have emailed them at least 85 times for the solution. Moreover I have called (0755-3934141, 0755-6610661) them 10 times and requested to solve the problem so that I can use IRCTC to buy my Train ticket through credit card which cost me approximately 2000 rupees for ISD call.
My Information as follows:
IRCTC User ID             : arifulhoque
Mobile Number         : +880-1841616616
Email                                       :
Honorable Minister, I am tired of it now reason why I am writing to you with a hope that will solve my problem and I will be able to receive the OTP to my Mobile number so that I can active my IRCTC account and can use it and can be able to make my tour in the coming EID festival because that time I have a long vacation.
I hope you will give me a solution instantly considering my hassle with empathy.
Thanking you
Sincerely yours  
Mohammad Ariful Hoque
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Date: 29.05.2018
Place: Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Subject: Application to solve my problem to active IRCTC account.
Dear Sir,
This is for your kind information that I am Mohammad Ariful Hoque from Dhaka, Bangladesh had created an IRCTC account on 29.04.2018. I had paid the international fee for that purpose. My email account was verified by the IRCTC but my mobile number couldn’t verify due to no OTP I had received since then.
Next day on 30.04.2018 I emailed to IRCTC Care ( regarding my OTP that my mobile not receiving OTP to activate the account but regret is that till today 29.06.2018 I have not receive any solution from IRCTC Care though I have emailed them at least 85 times for the solution. Moreover I have called (0755-3934141, 0755-6610661) them 10 times and requested to solve the problem so that I can use IRCTC to buy my Train ticket through credit card which cost me approximately 2000 rupees for ISD call.
My Information as follows:
IRCTC User ID             : arifulhoque
Mobile Number         : +880-1841616616
Email                        :
Sir, I am tired of it now reason why I am writing to you with a hope that will solve my problem and I will be able to receive the OTP to my Mobile number so that I can active my IRCTC account and can use it and can be able to make my tour in the coming EID festival because that time I have a long vacation.
I hope you will give me a solution instantly considering my hassle with empathy.
Thanking you
Sincerely yours  
Mohammad Ariful Hoque
Dhaka, Bangladesh.