Refund My Money 825 INR

Questions and AnswersCategory: IRCTCRefund My Money 825 INR
Vinoth asked 7 years ago

I have been raised so many mails to care@irctc since Aug 11th regarding of my refund amount. But they responsed simple sentence ( we will forward your email to concern department, they will reply shortly). But no one cannot response from such that department. I raised 5 tickets still so far, but they were replied simply like this sentence. Please support to customer and find below my 5 ticket IDs . I provided all the details in this ticket ( pnr, account details, attached copy, etc). I hope you will resolve my issue.
My 5 ticket I’d, (1412266 1292267 1364978 1347418 1411184). No one did not give proper response when I was called to customer care number.
If you have any question please call me 9952666952.