Now Book Tickets 30 Minutes Before Departure of Train

This is a very good news for Indian railway passengers. From the coming 12th November you can book your train tickets 30 minutes before the departure of trains.
Also, in order to facilitate the passengers with better service, Railways has decided to prepare the chart twice. The first chart will be prepared 4 hours before train departure and the second chart will be prepared 30 minutes before the train departure.

Now Book Tickets 30 Minutes Before Departure of Train

Railways has additionally made it obligatory for the concerned division to settle the reservation chart four hours before the departure of train from November 12 keeping in mind the end goal to encourage travelers to know the status of their ticket and plan their excursion well in time.

As per the reexamined standards, booking will be permitted on web and also at reservation counters for a specific train, subject to availability of seats, even after the planning of first reservation chart.

This is a noteworthy move to give extra occupying offices empowering travellers to purchase tickets even after the planning of reservation charts, the authority said.

A second and last chart of reservations will be made accessible before departure of train and gave over to locally available ticket checking staff.

This activity will guarantee ideal usage of train settlement and upgraded income, the authority said.

Lately there are many complaints about the reservation charts that they are being prepared late and this is giving the agents/touts to indulge in activities that are not legal.

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